A fairly popular adaptation of sleeping beauty, Maleficent tells the story of the antagonist a la Wicked. While this movie has many great parts to it, the few things that bug me REALLY bug me, making this a hard movie for me to watch.
First, the plot twist. Considering this was the first Disney movie to come out after Frozen, you would think the directors would have met up and said ‘hey, our plot twist is exactly the same, maybe we should do something about that?’ and then not both done the platonic love is what cures the curse thing. Watching this I saw it coming as soon as the prince was introduced and given no personality whatsoever. They could have tried to hide it at least.
Then, there’s the setting. Either the kingdom is really tiny, or the king picked the least strategic spot for a castle. An hour away from the possibly dangerous fairyland. And when the fairies took Aurora away, they took her even closer to the definitely dangerous fairyland. And did absolutely nothing to take care of her. Like letting her wander around in the forest going right to fairyland. peaking of the fairies, how do their powers work? Why does Maleficent need wings to fly when she can levitate things? Why does she even bother with fighting when she can control people? How are her wings still alive after being severed off her body and manage to reattach themselves after at least sixteen years?
And, of course, my pet peeve. Everything is CGI but none of it is good CGI. The fairies, the flying, the tree things, the soldiers. Everything. Rewatching the movie less than two years after it came out should not have me cringing every scene at the special effects like it's a nineties movie. To already be that dated shows that they needed more than the two year production time given.
One thing I did like was how Maleficent’s ex-love interest was portrayed. His changing into something of greed was done well, and the scene in which Maleficent’s wings were taken was wonderfully emotional and heartbreaking.
This movie has a decent plot, a lot of plot holes, poor CGI and a good main character but an underdeveloped supporting cast. I won’t tell you not to watch it, as it does have good parts, I just wouldn’t watch it expecting it to be super well done.
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