Friday, January 1, 2016

Star Wars: The Force Awakens *with spoilers*

This highly anticipated Star Wars reboot broke records in ticket presales, and personally, I think it’s worth the excitement. With a mix of oscar winners and newcomers, this movie stays fresh. It also avoids the mistakes of its predecessors, keeping the technology within it similar to the original trilogy and allowing for a little bit of the original cheesiness to seep through. In the intro, the famous scrolling type giving you the background information sounds like it was written by the exact same person that wrote it for A New Hope. Similar phrasing and cheesiness. Not once in the movie did J.J. Abrams try to make the movie seem unnecessarily mature or serious (like in the prequels), leaving The Force Awakens with a mix of nostalgic emotions and new curiosity.
            The movie parallels the fourth in many ways. It begins with an attacked revolutionary giving a droid essential information, who in turns winds up in the hands of someone who lives on a deserty planet that protects them until they are returned to their master. The revolutionary is interrogated and tortured for information. Han Solo makes an appearance. There is a Death
Star 3.0. It is bombarded with, well, bombs, until it blows up. The underlying plot, however, is different from what we’ve seen in the past, so these parallels feel more like nods than blatant copying. While certain aspects of the plot require some elaborating (like why Luke left a map, who is Reys family, is Poe gay) I am hopeful that it will be explained in the next movie. The only thing I wish was different, and would be very hard to fix at this point, is the Leia is not a Jedi. In Return of the Jedi Luke was told his sister had the potential to be a Jedi, she just needed training. It would have been really cool to see her wielding a lightsaber.
            Kylo Ren is another mystery as well. I’m curious as to what direction his character will take. He has potential, but I don’t want him to get off easy if he winds up being redeemed and joining the light side. He's done some really awful stuff, he should pay for that.

            Overall, this is a really great movie, and I love the main character. Her dynamics with Finn and Han Solo are awesome, and Rey’s very well treated compared to other women in sci-fi. She’s not defined by her appearance, she’s not sexualized, and she’s not a damsel in distress. I can’t wait to watch the next movie in the trilogy and see how she and Luke get along.

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