Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Future of This Blog

Happy New Year! I’m back from my winter break, and I have some adjustments I'd like to make for this blog! First, I’ll be changing the name. I’ve been throwing some names around, and I’ll make an executive decision soon. Hopefully. I feel that this blog has evolved the more that I’ve written, and I would like the title to reflect that. I want the title to reflect a focus on books, and I may wind up changing my blog theme as well. I’m still deciding on that, we’ll have to see.
              Second. I’ll begin writing more about my own adventures reading books and watching movies, regardless of whether or not they are remakes or reboots. I won’t stop writing reviews of terrible movie remakes, but I’m hoping to add a more personal touch to my blog, and share some of the books and movies I’ve really been enjoying of late. I want to post recommendations, talk about authors, and gush about movies. I may also have a rant about the Oscars in the works (there’s lots to talk about). So stay tuned.
              I’m also going to try to get back to three posts a week. I’ve been busy with school and such, so I had some trouble posting reliably. Sorry about that. Don’t be afraid to get on my case about getting posts up every week. Oh, and let me know what you think of my posts. Do you disagree, am I too repetitive, are there other things you’d like me to address? Feel free to comment! Even if it’s something as small as a typo, let me know! I’m awful about proof reading! I’ve also been curious about the traffic I’m getting. I’ll see that people are reading my blog in Portugal, Mexico, and France, among others. If you’re one of those readers, let me know why you’re reading my blog. I’m curious about how it’s viewed in your countries, and what about my blog interests you.
              Alright, did I cover everything? Name, blog posts, audience, that should be it. I really like where this blog is going, and I hope you’ll stick with it as it changes and evolves. Have a great 2016, and thanks for reading!

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